Process Modeling

The Many Benefits of Business Process Mapping

There are several areas of a business where the existence of good business process maps can help improve efficiency and productivity. Business executives and business process managers often take organizational-wide business process knowledge for granted, and assume everyone has “adequate” knowledge to perform their job responsibilities. In reality, few tangible, much less credible business process knowledge assets exist in any organization.

But for those astute executives and managers who recognize the need for adequate business process knowledge content, business process maps are – and should be – one of the first artifacts produced for an enterprise business process knowledge library.

A Practical Framework for Business Process Modeling

Several years ago I wrote this article, then posted it on a site called ArticlesBase. According to Wikipedia, "Articlesbase was an online directory of syndicated articles on 26 core topics," that eventually included more than 3 million articles published by more than 300,000 authors. The site went offline in early 2017 and my article disappeared from the Internet. I decided to revise the document and republish it here: A Practical Framework for Business Process Modeling