The Case for a Business Process Modeling Tool and Repository

Your organization's business processes can be thought of as intangible assets. One of the components of a business process asset is its documentation . But while maturing organizations might have their processes documented, the ability to quickly and easily access that content is often a challenge. A step up from widely scattered documentation is the implementation of a centralized Business Process Modeling Tool and Repository. Below is a list of benefits to consider.

Centralized Location
Benefit: Everyone knows where the process documentation can be found
Benefit: Quick and easy access
Benefit: ONLY process diagrams, documentation, and performance support – not mixed up with other non-related content

Shared Access
Benefit: Team diagramming
Benefit: Various documents can be contributed by various sources

Controlled Access
Benefit: Control over who can do what
Benefit: Security and confidentiality

Standardized Diagramming Notation and Style
Benefit: Ensures consistency, making it easier for the audience to read diagrams
Benefit: Easy for multiple people to work on the same diagram
Benefit: Supports best practice
Benefit: Re-use and re-purpose all documentation

Integrated Diagrams
Benefit: Vertically Integrated = Can drill-down and drill-up from multiple levels of detail
Benefit: Horizontally-Integrated = Enterprise-wide process framework

Links to Related Documents
Benefit: All process information in one place
Benefit: Integrated user manuals, admin manuals, checklists, job aids, FAQs, troubleshooting info, specifications, gantt charts

Control of Business Data Objects, Object Properties, Object Property Values
Benefit: Consistent and accurate use of the same business data objects
Benefit: Can define business rules for each static business data object

Centralized Administration
Benefit: Control over business data objects
Benefit: Control over the process classification framework

Business Rules Repository
Benefit: Business rules can be defined and documented one time
Benefit: Relate business rules to every impacted process

Commenting and Feedback Management
Benefit: All comments, feedback, discussion about a process in one place

Search and Query Engine
Benefit: Easier and quicker search and query vs. Dropbox/Google Docs/Sharepoint

Other Benefits:
• Efficient Training and Onboarding
• Less “shadow support” of processes
• Link strategy to company policy to business rule to procedure
• More efficient process incident/error/fault and problem resolution